One of the greatest treasures in this world is that we are each beautiful, unique, inspired, beings. Just by your existence you add value. Your interaction with others creates meaning. The collective society could not exist without the individual person.

Could you imagine if every poet was Thoreau? While his words are eloquent and moving, inspiring for generations, they are limited. What about Shakespeare, Frost, Dickinson, Angelou, and Poe? All are outstanding, all are unique, all are poets.

or if every song was the Beatles, or every movie Star Wars (ok this one may actually be ok, jk:)

Or sports…

As a man, I love sports, pretty much every sport. The greatest part of team sports is to watch how so many people can do the same thing in slightly different ways, within the boundaries of defined rules, and achieve the same outcome. No two pitchers release a baseball the same. Yet each pitcher throws either a strike or a ball. The uniqueness and individuality between them is what creates the beautiful struggles for a batter to hit a pitch.

No two basketball teams have the same dynamics between the 5 players on the court at one time, which then is altered to meet the needs of the situation and opposition of the opponent. Could you imagine a team of 5 identical clones? The same strengths, the same weaknesses. Such a team would not be able to compete against a well developed, talent diverse, team.

Each person, big or small, boy or girl, is irreplaceable. Equipped with a skill-set, a passion, a vision, a way of seeing life that no one else is seeing. We are stronger collectively through our diversity.

[tweetthis remove_hidden_hashtags=”true” remove_hidden_urls=”true”]We are stronger collectively through our diversity[/tweetthis]

When we meet a new person who looks at life from a different angle don’t judge and dismiss them, embrace them. Learn from others around you. Expand your cultural, social, economic, geographic view.

I could write example after example of how an unique individual overcame the odds and impacted the world. Our books and movies are filled with these heart warming stories. Everyone loves the underdog, unless that underdog is affecting their life. Affecting how they feel about their own life and aspirations.

Every person has a story, an Iliad, an Odyssey. Every life has a purpose. You will never know, nor be able to measure the impact you have on the world, yet the world will never be able to continue if not for you; if not for every person.

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